Memberships create added value. We keep our eyes on the ball and pass on our knowledge to customers and colleagues.

BDÜ – Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators

With more than 7,500 members, the BDÜ is Germany’s largest association for interpreters and translators. The association has been committed to the interests of our profession for over 60 years. Our exact! translators have also been represented in the BDÜ for more than 25 years.

“Being a member of the BDÜ keeps me up to date with regard to the latest developments in the world of translation. I also use the many high-quality training seminars and webinars on offer to enhance my professional development.”

Andrea Rietmann, translator at exact!  

You can find further information relating to the BDÜ at www.bdue.en.

DTT — Deutscher Terminologie-Tag e.V.

The DTT is a first-class forum for terminology experts. It was founded in 1987 in response to the new communication needs as a result of rapidly increasing specialisation and multilingualism in research and industry. Having been a member of the DTT since 2002, exact! is actively involved in discussions about current content-related and technical matters relating to professional communication.

“I value the information and the diverse range of training options provided by the association, which are a successful mix of challenging scientific theory and practical solutions.”

Kerstin Müller, former contact partner for terminology

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